Tuesday, September 14, 2010


To begin, I must establish a deep familiarity with rugby and its history and development.  I will research the sport from inception to current development and growth on a country by country basis.  The focus will be on the countries where the sport is held in highest regards.  This research will establish an encompassing timeline varying from country to country.

Next, I will identify approximately where on the timeline the United States rugby program is currently closest to, and determine what direction the sport is heading to from there.  Through mapping and research, this will help me determine a trajectory for the future of U.S.A. rugby in the context of the world.

I will then observe and study foreign stadium & training ground typologies to determine how they function and grew within their given contexts.  These grounds can range from small to large, and along with the timeline will help me understand the scale that the project will begin to require.

The next step of research consists of observing already established United States typologies.  This will be aimed at looking at how they are successful, how they are not, and how future projects of the same type must be capable of adaptability and flexibility to accommodate the rapid growth of the sport within the context of the United States.

After these steps of research are completed, a process of evaluation of data and refinement will be implemented.  This will result in a re-statement of the intent, scale, and program for the current and future development of my project and other projects similar to it.

The final steps will be to carry out the project starting with site selection, design, and so forth.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Position Paper v.1.1

Architecture has the ability to aid the advancement of rugby in the United States while benefiting the local Pittsburgh community.

Ever since a national collegiate rugby tournament was televised on major networks this past summer, rugby as a sport has continued to grow at a remarkable scale in the United States.  The Rugby World Cup in the summer of 2011 will be the most televised rugby event in the United States to date, and rugby will continue to hold its place as one of the fastest growing sports amongst young people today.  There are less than a handful of regulation qualified facilities in the country.  With this growing interest and influence among a young audience, an epicenter can be established within Pittsburgh not only for the growth of rugby, but also for a growing responsibility to strive for common good within the local community.

By looking at the most prominent example set in Glendale, Colorado, the underlying factors which have made the building and the local community such a success can be determined (http://www.glendale.co.us/).  This city center has not only massively advanced the growth of rugby nation-wide, but it has boosted the local community commerce immensely.  Glendale is a one by one square mile city within Denver that has now become the home for everything that is United States Rugby, nicknamed "Rugbytown, USA".  Players and fans travel from around the world to watch rugby at this facility.  This in turn boosts local hotel industry, restaurants, and other commercial entities within this small city.  Not only does this building serve as a rugby epicenter, but the city center, fire department, police, and other community services are based in this building and park.  Thus, this facility can serve as a major community center and influence the inhabitants of the local area outside the realm of simply rugby.

The goal would be to form a standard for the continued growth of the sport through the establishment of a conveniently located community complex withing Pittsburgh.  This building would serve not only support the cause of USA Rugby, but also drive and encourage community betterment and welfare through engaging youth programs and facilities.